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産品名稱: thms600
品牌: linkam
型号: thms600

The THMS600 is one of the most widely used heating and freezing microscope stages available. Over 1000 stages have been sold around the world to date. The THMS600 is used in many applications where high heating/freezing rates and 0.1°C accuracy and stability are needed.

Samples can be quickly characterized by heating to within a few degrees of the required temperature at a rate of up to 150°C/min with no overshoot, then slowed down to a few tenths of a degrees per minute to closely examine sample changes. The entire experiment can be saved as an online plot or exported to a spreadsheet application.

here are various version options for this stage, including pressure, vacuum, electrical sample measurement and sample holders to mount the stage vertically in IR or xray spectrometers.

THMS600是當前使用(yòng)最爲廣泛的(de)高(gāo)精度冷(lěng)熱台。其寬泛的(de)溫度範圍(-196°C到600°C)和(hé)升溫速率(0.1到150°C/min),以及高(gāo)精度(全程0.1°C)和(hé)高(gāo)穩定(<0.01°C),使其在各行業中   得(de)到了(le)廣泛的(de)應用(yòng)。




1.      溫度範圍-196600°C(-196℃需選配專用(yòng)冷(lěng)卻系統)

2.      最高(gāo)可(kě)達150°C/min加熱速率

3.      多(duō)段溫度控制程序設定

4.      在線溫度/時間曲線

5.      全程溫度穩定性和(hé)精度0.1°C

6.      16 mm XY方向移動距離

7.      樣品區域φ22 mm

8.       光(guāng)孔直徑 2.0mm

9.      氣密樣品室,可(kě)以控制樣品環境

10.   超薄上蓋窗(chuāng)口 0.17 mm

11.   可(kě)用(yòng)于透射和(hé)反射光(guāng)

12.   内蓋可(kě)以增加溫度穩定性

13.   樣品側面導入

14.   物(wù)鏡最小工作距離4.5mm

15.   聚光(guāng)鏡最小工作距離12.5 mm

16.   可(kě)計算(suàn)機控制或PAD控制

17.   冷(lěng)卻劑直接冷(lěng)卻加熱體

18.   台體尺寸- 160 x 80 x24 mm

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